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Update: Budget Reconciliation!

Last week, House Republicans passed their budget resolution by 217-215, with Rep. Tom Massie (R-KY) joining all Democrats in opposition.  The House and Senate must align budget resolutions to use the reconciliation process. Leaders like John Thune (R-SD) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) demand permanent extension of all TCJA expiring tax provisions, which the House measure doesn't allow. Some Republicans oppose more tax cuts not offset by spending cuts, and deeper Medicaid cuts face resistance in both chambers.

If these groups don't compromise, Republicans may need a scoring method based on current policy to resolve the deadlock. The House's budget uses a current law baseline, but Speaker Johnson aims to build consensus for a current policy approach. Achieving Republican support is challenging, and even if successful, the Senate Parliamentarian might reject it due to the Byrd rule.