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FY25 Appropriations Bills “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”

“You can’t always get what you want,” and in this case, you cannot even get what you need. It’s August and we find ourselves in the same place as in past years, slowly rolling towards another continuing resolution (CR), putting departments and agencies in slow-down mode awaiting final actions on their funding for the coming fiscal year. When Congress returns in September there will only be 13 days when the House and Senate are both in session before they recess until after the November election. A CR will need to be passed to keep the government funded until final negotiations can take place. A fight over the end date is expected, and one would assume that mid-December would be the logical choice. However, this is an election year, and some may want to push out that end date until March of 2025. The CR will probably also contain some supplemental funding for disaster relief.