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Senate Passes the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

Last week, the Senate passed the Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (S. 4367) by unanimous consent. The legislation authorizes new levee, harbor, and ecosystem restoration projects and set policy at the Army Corps of Engineers. The bill, named for the retiring committee chairman, approves 13 new or modified Corps projects and includes provisions to boost tribal authority over water resource projects and allows Western dams to store more water. On July 22nd, the House voted 359-13 to pass its version of WRDA (H.R. 8812). The Senate and House now will move to conference committee to resolve differences between the two bills.

ASA unsuccessfully attempted to include H.R. 1740 in WRDA, which would ensure proper financial protections are in place for public-private- partnership (P3) water infrastructure projects receiving Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) assistance. Protecting against the risk of contractor default on infrastructure projects is of paramount concern for Congress. This bill would have ensured essential payment and performance security protections continue to exist for all forms of financing where federal funds are being used.