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ASA Supports FY25 Transportation Funding

ASA, along with the Transportation Labor Coalition, sent a letter to Congressional Leadership requesting Congress to adhere to the Highway Trust Fund obligation limitation for FY 2025 as specified in the most recent surface transportation program reauthorization. The FY 2025 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations measures approved by the House and Senate appropriations committees would, if enacted, provide $61.314 billion in obligation for highway programs and $15.579 billion for transit programs.  Infrastructure investments are long-term projects that require resources and certainty. Members of both parties have traditionally approved five-year investment and policy measures that establish the federal investment platform for projects supporting economic growth and personal mobility in every state and congressional district. Any reduction from planned funding levels will affect state and local government implementation of long-term transportation plans and the private sector's ability to ensure necessary equipment, materials, and personnel for infrastructure improvements.

The U.S. surface transportation network facilitates the movement of people and products essential for prosperity and quality of life. Therefore, the undersigned organizations urge that any final FY 2025 funding package maintain the obligation limitation for highway and public transportation consistent with what Congress provided for this fiscal year under the current surface transportation authorization.